Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Better Planning Network Facebook page

Dear Better Planning Network

Being relatively new to Facebook, I made an exciting discovery tonight (for me anyway) which I thought important to share with you.  I apologise in advance if you already know this (you probably do).  At the risk of embarrassing myself, here it is:

As you know, the Better Planning Network has a Facebook page:

Liking the page means that you receive all our posts on your ‘wall’
(that’s the private part of your Facebook account which nobody sees except you).  It does not mean that your friends see these posts as well.

To ensure that your friends see our posts, you need to click the ‘share’ button located at the bottom of our posts.  ‘Liking’ a post is great but ‘sharing’ it actually moves it from your private wall to your public timeline, where your friends can see it.

So, please consider:

LIKING our page http://www.facebook.com/BetterPlanningNetwork(if you haven’t already)
LIKING our posts; and
SHARING our posts with your friends if you think that they would interest them.

You could also post on your own account recommending that your friends like the BPN Facebook page.

Thank you very much for helping us to spread the word and engage the broader community on the NSW Planning Review.

Kind Regards
Corinne Fisher
Better Planning Network
Ph: 0421 831 889

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Meeting Monday 19 November 2012


The final meeting  for 2012 of the North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association will be held Monday 19th November 2012 at 7:15pm  in the North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond.

Your Committee has been active with submissions to RMS and the Department of Heritage on your behalf come and hear the results.

There is an exhibition by RMS in Windsor on 24/11/2012( details in the Gazette) on the plans for” Option 1” their preferred option for the new bridge in Windsor that will destroy and damage some of our earliest historical buildings not to mention the businesses there. I urge you to attend the exhibition and then go and see for yourselves how Thompson Square will be destroyed and then make an informed submission. One must remember that it will only be a 2 lane bridge with no accommodation for the increase in traffic that will come from the proposed developments in Glossodia and that there is land suitable for subdivision at Wilberforce and other parts west of the river. We deserve better than another second rate solution.

Citizens Against Windsor Bridge (CAWB) has delivered a petition with over 12,000 signatures to State Parliament against this option , unfortunately NONE of the 3 members of State Parliament whose electorates are in the Hawkesbury would come out to receive it so it was left to members of the Opposition to do so.

The first meeting for 2013 will be on Monday January  21/1/2013 .

I look forward to seeing as many as possible at the meeting on Monday 19/11/12, as usual there will be a raffle, a cuppa and bikkies and good company!!!

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bells Line of Road Long Term Strategic Corridor Plan

The Australian and NSW governments have completed the Bells Line of Road Long Term Strategic Corridor Plan, available for your information at www.rms.nsw.gov.au/roadprojects

The plan recommends commencing the planning to reserve a road corridor for a future upgrade linking the Bells Line of Road near Kurrajong Heights with the Sydney motorway network. It also identifies the need for safety and traffic improvements for the existing route.

Thank you to the more than 1000 residents who shared their ideas and opinions.

What happens next?

In early 2013, Roads and Maritime Services will commence four reviews, as identified in the plan as:

1.   Identifying safety issues and prioritising preferred safety measures

Assessing overtaking opportunities and prioritising identified improvements
Evaluating intersections in relation to safety and performance and prioritising identified improvements
Assessing local access arrangements in relation to safety and prioritising identified opportunities for improvements.

Click here to download the Community Update which provides an overview of the planning for the Bells Line of Road corridor.

For more information please email BellsLineofRoad@rms.nsw.gov.au, phone the project team on 1800 017 787 or write to Bells Line of Road, PO Box 973, Parramatta CBD NSW 2124.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

2012 Council Election results

The Community have made a difference.

They have given our residents and ratepayers a chance to have their views heard in Council.

The voters have elected four independent Councillors, Paine, Porter,
Buckett-Lyons, Rasmussen, Calvert ALP, Williams Greens, McKay Liberal
Independent and five Liberals, Ford, Tree, Creed (Liberal staffer)
Reardon and Conolly (Liberal Staffer).


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Meeting Monday 17 September 2012

The September meeting of the North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association will be held at:

North Richmond Community Centre,
William Street ,North Richmond
at 7:15pm
on 17 September, 2012

Matters for discussion will include:
The submission from the NRDCAA to the Heritage Department and the part that you can play in supporting the protection of “Yobarnie” and “Nevallan”.
The recent HCC election and the possible implications for the Hawkesbury and your lifestyle.
A raffle and a cuppa (with bikkies) as usual- not to mention great company!!
I look forward to seeing you there.
Please encourage your family and friends to get involved it is the only way that we can have the Hawkesbury that we want not what Macquarie Street ,Sydney and the developers want us to accept.

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Heritage Council of NSW - final decision

Dear Fellow Member of the NRDCAA and those who care for the Hawkesbury ,

The Heritage Council of NSW is about to make a final decision on the listing of “Yobarnie and Nevallen” Keyline Farms on the State Heritage Register. The Heritage Council has done much work since our original request for listing in February 2009 and now recommends that “Statutary listing at local and State level is appropriate”.  They also ask for letters of support or objections from the public (which includes Developers and Planners) by 24th September 2012. The NUMBERSOF LETTERS RECEIVED IS IMPORTANT and demonstrates local interest in conserving the landscape and evidence of the “Keyline” system. The NRDCAA committee will  make a formal submission in line with and summarising the previous comprehensive one.

We ask members of the NRDCAA and those who care for the Hawkesbury to write a short letter supporting listing. Following is information and suggestions that you could use.

Please get your family and friends to write too- even if you write the letter for them . We have been working to preserve the Hawkesbury and this represents the possibility of some success.


Your letter should:-

State your support for listing (as the history of a unique development will otherwise be lost to future generations.)
State your reason(s). This should be in line with one or more of the criteria used for assessment.
Here are 5 relevant criteria( others on the Heritage website).

Historical significance
Technical achievement
Research and educational value
Improvement to steep land and poor soil.

Some suggestions that you might like to use in your letter:-

Australian agriculture was established in the Hawkesbury. P.A. Yeomans was the first to develop methods of improving productivity by a self-sustainable system of irrigation.

Yeoman’s technical skills enabled him to invent a system which conserved and efficiently used water, prevented erosion, fireproofed the land, increased soil depth and mitigated downstream flooding. It also sequestered carbon. This had never been done before.

The “Keyline” system has been adopted world- wide and is the basis for “Permaculture” . We have the original here at “Yobarnie” and “Nevallen” . They are available for education and research.

This system and the two properties are unique.

The system produces a sustainable landscape with increased production whereas normally steep land is hard to maintain and utilise.

The address for your letters/emails is:

Heritage Council of NSW
Locked Bag 5020
Parramatta NSW 2124

Correspondence MUST reach the address BEFORE 24TH SEPTEMBER 2012.

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary  NRDCAA

Friday, August 24, 2012

Heritage Register

Resolution for intention to consider listing Yorbanie and others on State Heritage Register.

“That the NRDCAA supports the listing of Yobarnie & Nevellan Keyline farms-108 Grose Vale Road
and 26 Yeomans Rd North Richmond and 302 Grose Vale Rd, Grose Vale.

The NRDCAA will prepare a submission based on the protection and retention of these significant properties.

The NRDCAA is of the firm view that any conservation management plan (cmp) must protect the Heritage of this rare site which is held in high esteem by the NRDCAA, its members and the permaculture and sustainable agricultural community.

The Heritage Council, the Developer and others have worked co-operately to reach the conclusions. This is acknowledge.

Accordingly, the cmp should be prepared in consultation with the key stakeholders including the NRDCAA, University of Western Sydney, sustainable agricultural community and Hawkesbury Harvest. The cmp must ensure the Keyline system of soil improvement, erosion control, water storage, cultivation and irrigation on undulating topography which was first developed and demonstrated on the sites are protected.

To do otherwise could lead to the destruction of the site, which Professor Stuart Hill said was the first organic farm in Australia.

The NRDCAA wants this historical site preserved for our children and generations to come.”

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Grose Valley Positive Planning Group Meeting - July 23rd, 2012

Grose Wold, Grose Vale, Bowen Mountain, Kurrajong, Agnes Banks, Yarramundi & Surrounding Communities....... 

A second community meeting is being held on Monday, 23rd July, 2012 starting at 7.30pm at the Grose View Public School Hall, Grose Wold Road, Grose Vale by Grose Valley Positive Planning Group.

This meeting is being held to provide further information to the community on the proposal, what is being done, how you can help and as a way for you to voice your opinion.  Find out how YOU can become involved.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meeting Monday 16 July, 2012

The July meeting of the North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association will be held at:

North Richmond Community Centre,
William Street ,North Richmond
at 7:15pm
on 16th July 2012

It has been a VERY BUSY month with members of your committee Bryan and Margaret Smith attending the “Transport Solutions Forum” at U.T.S. Sydney with the State Minister for Transport and the Director Metropolitan and Regional Strategies. They have corresponded with the Director regarding this community’s infrastructure problems. They also were interviewed and made suggestions in relation to the  RMS Bridge Report (see notice of public meeting ).

Committee member Michael Want attended a meeting which included Nick Greiner as head of “Infrastructure NSW” on Public/Private funding for infrastructure.

Committee members were involved with the successful “Redbank Creek Day”.More info following if you want to be involved.

Don’t let the weather keep you at home- there is warmth and good company at the meeting and of course a cuppa and bikkies!!!.

Please come along and get involved in protecting our Hawkesbury- don’t leave it until it is too late. There is much to be done .

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA

RMS Community Workshop

Here is our chance to have our say at a Community Workshop

RMS invites you to attend a community workshop to hear your views on short and long term strategies to improve traffic flow.

Date: Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Time: 7pm to 9pm
Location: North Richmond Public School, 14 Grose Vale Road, North Richmond
Light refreshments will be served.

To assist with catering, please contact Phoebe Wilson at ID Planning on (02) 9436 6250 or email to Richmond_Bridge@rms.nsw.gov.au.

More information:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Caring for Redbank Creek Day

An inspiring and informative day about Redbank Creek’s habitat for native platypus, fish and birdlife.

• Lunch and refreshments
• Live displays and family activities
• Specialist panel and informative film footage
• Stream walks with expert guides
• Future planning discussions/workshops

June 24 2012, 9am–3.30pm
North Richmond Community Centre
33 William St, North Richmond

Bookings contact Robin: phone. 02 4572 1635
mobile. 0414 672 014 or email. robin@hen.org.au
Donations are gratefully accepted.
HEN is a not-for-profit, volunteer organisation.

Proudly Supported By :: Hawkesbury Environment Network :: Bass Sydney Fishing Club :: Hawkesbury Rainforest
Network :: Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Authority :: Hawkesbury City Council :: Bendigo Bank
North Richmond :: University Of Western Sydney :: Sydney Water Streamwatch :: Office of Hawkesbury Nepean ::

Redbank Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Redbank-Recovery/433176706714733
Redbank page on HEN website http://www.hen.org.au/about-us/redbank-recovery

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Meeting Monday 18 June, 2012

June meeting:

North Richmond Community Centre
William Street
North Richmond


Monday, May 28, 2012

NRMA's 2012 Seeing Red on Roads results

North Richmond has been awarded second and third in NRMA's latest Seeing Red on Roads campaign.    The results for Western Sydney were:

1. The Northern Road at Luddenham 
2. Kurrajong Road at North Richmond
3. Bells Line Of Road at North Richmond
4. Great Western Highway at Blaxland
5. Mulgoa Road at Jamisontown

Full details can be found here

Monday, April 9, 2012

Umbrella Group Meeting 12 April, 2012

Various groups will be meeting as the Umbrella Group on 12 April, 2012 at 7.00pm at North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond.

  • Opening
  • Confirm statement from previous meeting
  • Matters arising
  • Other business

Sunday, April 8, 2012

AGM Meeting 16 April, 2012

NRDCAA AGM will be held on Monday 16th of April at 7.15pm at North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond.

The activities for 2011-2012 can be downloaded here.


    Sunday, March 25, 2012

    Windsor Bridge

    Community Action for Windsor Bridge (CAWB) is a community action group which was formed in response to the Roads and Maritime Services' (formerly Roads and Traffic Authority) decision to demolish and replace the existing Hawkesbury River bridge (Windsor Bridge) at Windsor and restructure adjacent intersections and approach roads. 

    CAWB produced a paper and presented this to the Windsor Business Group on 27/2/12.  It can be downloaded here. 

    The Roads and Maritime Services conducted a preliminary investigation into the possible options which could achieve their objectives. They selected Option 1 as their preference and are now seeking approval from the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure for its construction. 

    CAWB feels, from a reading of the Roads and Maritime Service's own documents,  that Option 1 will be detrimental to the community at Windsor. It will result in:
    1. The demolition of the historic Windsor Bridge;
    2. The placement of a high, modern bridge structure through the historic Thompson Square precinct, permanently destroying the heritage value of the area;
    3. The destruction the physical and visual amenity of public space in Thompson Square;
    4. Traffic congestion because it will reach capacity in 2026;
    5. Destruction of Windsor's heritage tourism;
    6. Disruption to local businesses.

    CAWB is made up of local people from a wide variety of backgrounds including lawyers, engineers, financial advisers, business owners, teachers, architects, builders and academics.CAWB is also made up of families who have passion for the Hawkesbury and their local community.  Many also have ties to the very early settlers in the Hawkesbury and are proud and protective of both their longstanding family ties to the area and the historical significance of Windsor. 

    CAWB's Mission
    CAWB's mission is to stop the approval and construction of any bridge (including adjacent intersections and approach roads) that diverts through traffic into the Windsor town centre and historic Thompson Square precinct. CAWB seeks ways to reinstate and restore the heritage value of Thompson Square and make it the enjoyable open civic space first envisioned by Governor Macquarie. CAWB understands that this will service the needs of the community, attract heritage tourism, increase local business turnover and hence ensure Windsor's future amenity and prosperity.

    For more information on CAWB visit their website.

    Thursday, March 22, 2012

    Issues Paper Submissions

    NRDCAA has submitted a response to The way forward for planning in NSW, the issues paper of the NSW Planning System Review, released 6 December 2011 which can be downloaded from here. 

    Saturday, March 10, 2012

    Umbrella Group Statement

    Umbrella Group Statement
    27 02 2012

    Representatives from Community Groups, and residents from HLGA met on Monday evening 27 02 2012 to discuss Council Elections in September 2012.

    The Umbrella Group (UG) felt there was an urgent need to identify potential candidates for Hawkesbury Council elections in September 2012.

    The UG are of the very firm view that the majority political group of liberal Councillors are not representing the interest of residents and ratepayers.

    The evidence for that is demonstrated by the back flip by then Mayor Bassett which lead to the overturning of the Mayoral minute subsequent to his election to State Parliament. In addition, the same political grouping continue to approve development without adequate infrastructure leading to extensive traffic congestion and stress by residents and ratepayers in and around Richmond, North Richmond extending to Kurmond, particularly in the am, and feeder roads along the way.

    Further, the UG declared it was absolutely essential, if the community wants a fair go, the community must never again elect a political group with an absolute majority within Council. It has led to a diabolical situation where the current majority are not listening nor representing the interest of residents and ratepayers.

    The representatives will discuss the outcome with their communities; seek support to participate in further meetings to progress an outcome that will truly represent the interest of ratepayers and residents.
    Once feedback is received the UG will meet again. The aim is to reconvene Monday March 26 2012.

    Thursday, March 8, 2012

    Meeting 19 March, 2012 Cancelled

    Fellow Members and Supporters please be advised the North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association (NRDCAA) meeting due to be held on Monday 19th March 2012 has been cancelled as members of the Committee of Management of the NRDCAA have applied to attend the State Government’s Public Cabinet Meeting and speak to Ministers regarding the lack of infrastructure in the Hawkesbury and the effect on the population.
    HOWEVER , there is something that YOU can do!! Our local Member of Parliament, Mr Bart Bassett , who was elected to represent the people is refusing to communicate with YOUR association, effectively disenfranchising the members of the NRDCAA and the public who attend our meetings and have asked us to represent them and their concerns for the well-being of the Hawkesbury and it’s residents. He has used the excuse that we have misrepresented him, he has only detailed one instance which was an error of editing and was corrected as soon as it was noticed, within 2 days. We do not think that this is acceptable behaviour from someone who is supposed to represent us in State Parliament.
    According to the research that I have done he is under NO OBLIGATION to communicate with his electorate!!!!! This situation MUST BE REMEDIED. So, we need you and others to communicate your dissatisfaction with his refusal to communicate and do his job of representing his constituents to the Premier and other members of State Cabinet.
    Below are listed some email addresses that might prove useful:

    And for good measure :
    Governor Marie Bashir AC
    Office of the Governor of NSW
    Level 3, Chief Secretary’s Building
    121 Macquarie Street,
    SYDNEY 2000.

    Please take the time to write and support  your association in the job that you have asked us to do on your behalf.

    Colleen Turnbull
    Secretary NRDCAA

    Monday, March 5, 2012


    The NRDCAA at all times strives for accuracy.
    Any error brought to our attention will be immediately corrected.

    Thursday, March 1, 2012

    Want to make a donation to NRDCAA

    NRDCAA welcomes donations from the community and businesses to help with costs associated with getting our messages out far and wide.

    Account Name:  North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association Inc.
    Bank:  Bendigo Bank
    BSB 633-000
    Account 142719749

    Friday, February 24, 2012

    Recovering Redbank Creek Project

    NRDCAA is a member of Hawkesbury Environment Network (HEN). HEN and Bass Sydney Fishing Club are forming a local group to assist in the following project and have started to make contacts with local landholders or anyone concerned about the Redbank Creek (its water quality, its banks, its fauna, etc.). Robin Woods is the local contact for HEN who is working on this plan. She is inviting people to contact her with their interest in the project.

    Recovering Redbank Creek Project

    Over 40 kilometres of Redbank tributaries connect the Creek from Kurrajong, Kurmond, Grose Vale and Nth Richmond, down to the Hawkesbury River.  But it’s in pretty bad shape at the moment! Its banks are degraded, its waters polluted, and its animals, such as platypus and fish are finding it hard to live here. Further development will be putting more pressures on this system, so the time to act is NOW!

     Please read this flyer and contact Robin if you would like to get involved
    or if you would like more information. Details attached.

    Wednesday, February 15, 2012

    Meeting 20 February, 2012

    YES it is that time AGAIN!!!!!!

    The monthly meeting of the North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association (NRDCAA) is to be held on this Monday 20th February at 7:15pm at the North Richmond   Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond.

    We have a lot to report in light of  the Member for Londonderry , Mr Bart Bassett refusing to come and speak to the people that he is supposed to represent.

    HCC meetings, Redbank Creek and the “fall out” from the meeting with Mayor are all on the agenda.

    Please come and show your support and sign the petition. We have the problems that we have because we have been too nice and polite over the years and haven’t asked for anything now when we need it we are being ignored and insulted by people who are supposed to represent us.

    IF you want things to improve then you, your family and friends MUST become involved and active- even if it is only writing letters to the local paper, the Premier and especially the person who is supposed to represent us – and gets paid handsomely for it both at a State level and as a Councillor on HCC.

    As usual there will be a cuppa and a raffle. I look forward to seeing you there.

    Colleen Turnbull
    Secretary NRDCAA

    Friday, February 10, 2012

    Can Bart Bassett refuse to attend our meeting?

    Is Mr. Bassett able to refuse to represent members of the association plus families, friends and residents who regularly attend our meetings?

    Letters have been sent to the NSW Premier and Ministers for Roads and Ports and Planning and infrastructure to ascertain the Liberal Party Policy.

    A copy of the letter sent to the Premier can be viewed here

    Sunday, January 1, 2012

    Questions for Kim Ford, Mayor, Hawkesbury City Council at meeting on 16/1/12

    1) Are you aware or would you enquire with appropriate persons if there could be suitable land available in the future for potential residential development at the UWS Richmond?

    2) Community Engagement Policy: We note the “Objectives, Background and Principles” of this policy and we ask you to ensure that due to the concern that the community is expressing with regards to the continuing development and impending Planning Proposals without adequate infrastructure, that public meetings in appropriate locations be organized by HCC in consultation with community groups as part of community engagement prior to HCC considering any Planning Proposal that would affect the community?

    3) The Member for Londonderry at a HCC meeting in his capacity as a HCC councillor said words to the effect ”If you think you are going to receive money for infrastructure out here you’re dreaming”.
    In view of those comments or similar would HCC erect signs on Kurrajong Road urging the State Government to upgrade the already grossly inadequate road system? The NRDCAA would consider “in kind” contributions.

    4) Councillors are required to “represent the interests of the Community and provide leadership” Code of Conduct p2 first paragraph after the dot points.
    In view of that requirement to REPRESENT the Community will you now join with us in representing the Community’s interest to HCC, State Government ,Federal Government and Developers?

    5) You have received an email from Mrs Margaret Mason with regards to Chapel Street and Kurrajong Road dated January 6, 2012. An answer has been provided by a HCC officer on 6th January 2012. The answer refers to the Roads and Maritime Services  responsibility and indicates that they have been asked to supply the answer subsequent to their study of Kurrajong Road.

    6) In view of this response will you correspond with the and request an update on the study that is currently being conducted (the CoM) thought that the study was complete, could you check please?) Will you ensure the update provides an approximate timetable for when the report will be available? In addition will you refer this issue to the council’s Traffic Committee for follow-up of timetabling, finance and any work that will be undertaken? Will you also ensure the Community Groups and the Community is kept up to date?

    7) Hawkesbury Residential Land Strategy (HRLS): Will you provide the meeting with the sections ,page numbers and paragraph numbers HCC officers will consider when considering the rezoning of land west of the river?

    8) As you are aware petitioners are continuing to petition you and Ministers Gay and Hazzard not to “Rezone land west of the river”. We understand that HCC officers are reviewing planning proposals on an ongoing basis.  The community is overwhelmingly opposed to the rezoning of land west of the river, would you ensure that the NRDCAA and other Community Groups are kept in the loop simultaneously with regards to these reviews by HCC officers and when a Planning Proposal is lodged it is brought to the groups’ and the community’s attention immediately or as soon as practicable?

    9) The NRDCAA is aware of the question from Jane Uff on 28th November 2011. To date no reply has been received. The final paragraph of her email said, “Council needs to put pressure on the State Government to come to the party to fund realistic infrastructure upgrades to the area. What about running a campaign similar to the upgrade of Richmond Road? I would appreciate your comments in relation to running this type of campaign.”

    10) In light of the possible large development at 108 Grose Vale Road and the huge increase in “run-off” what has HCC done to rectify the inadequate and possibly dangerous drainage system as reported by HCC officer Alan Hastie on 18th July 2001 and again on 24th January 2003?

    11) Are you proud of HCC planning of the current North Richmond Centre?

    12) Does HCC have any “long term vision for the transformation of North Richmond centre” to something of which we can be proud especially in light of the proposed huge increase in population and traffic density?

    13) Will you instruct HCC staff to prepare such a plan?

    Hawkesbury City Council Meeting to discuss development -31 Jan 2012

    At the next Hawkesbury City Council Meeting, Tuesday 31/1/12 at 6.30pm, at Hawkesbury City Council Chambers, the North Richmond Joint Venture (development in North Richmond) is being discussed.

    The business papers for the meeting can be downloaded from Hawkesbury City Council’s website, http://www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au/council/council-meetings/business-papers/2012/january/31-january-ordinary, attachment 3 to item 4.

    The meeting is open to all so come along and hear the discussion from our Councillors.  If we are to influence Councillors we need lots of people present at the Council Meeting on Tuesday evening.