Saturday, March 10, 2012

Umbrella Group Statement

Umbrella Group Statement
27 02 2012

Representatives from Community Groups, and residents from HLGA met on Monday evening 27 02 2012 to discuss Council Elections in September 2012.

The Umbrella Group (UG) felt there was an urgent need to identify potential candidates for Hawkesbury Council elections in September 2012.

The UG are of the very firm view that the majority political group of liberal Councillors are not representing the interest of residents and ratepayers.

The evidence for that is demonstrated by the back flip by then Mayor Bassett which lead to the overturning of the Mayoral minute subsequent to his election to State Parliament. In addition, the same political grouping continue to approve development without adequate infrastructure leading to extensive traffic congestion and stress by residents and ratepayers in and around Richmond, North Richmond extending to Kurmond, particularly in the am, and feeder roads along the way.

Further, the UG declared it was absolutely essential, if the community wants a fair go, the community must never again elect a political group with an absolute majority within Council. It has led to a diabolical situation where the current majority are not listening nor representing the interest of residents and ratepayers.

The representatives will discuss the outcome with their communities; seek support to participate in further meetings to progress an outcome that will truly represent the interest of ratepayers and residents.
Once feedback is received the UG will meet again. The aim is to reconvene Monday March 26 2012.

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