Friday, November 22, 2013

Council Meeting 26 November 2013 - Rescission Motion

Fellow Members and Friends of the Hawkesbury, there has been a Rescission Motion lodged by non-Liberal Councillors- it is an attempt to have the ridiculous decision of the last HCC meeting overturned regarding the development at North Richmond. Please attend and show your support for the Councillors who are supporting the community. Council Chambers ,George Street, Windsor, Tuesday 26th November 2013.The meeting usually starts at 6:30pm and entry is usually available from about 6:15pm but if the developers stack the meeting again and prevent residents and ratepayers from attending it may be difficult to gain entry so it may be best to arrive as early as you can.

You may have read letters in the Gazette from the developer and those who will profit at your expense insulting the community and making false statements about members of the community. I think it says much about the people who are prepared to lie and denigrate honest people who are merely trying to have the people who are being paid to represent them do what they are paid to do.

Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to come along. We have had little notice of this so have not been able publicise it widely, so it is up to you.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

AGM - 18 November, 2013

Fellow Members and friends of the Hawkesbury that the Annual General Meeting of the NRDCAA is to be held Monday 18thNovember 2013 at7:15pm at the North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond.

Please consider standing for a position on the Committee of Management- many hands make light work.

Positions will be declared vacant and nominations taken from the floor. If you can’t attend and would like a Proxy form please email me and I will email one to you.

If you are not currently a member then please come along and join and help your community have a stronger voice in it’s future. We are NON PARTY POLITICALas our existing members can attest - we simply support and promote the concerns and interests of the Hawkesbury as expressed to us by our members.

Colleen Turnbull

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Council Meeting - Rezoning of Rebank at North Richmond - 12/11/13 6.30pm

·         1,399 additional houses (1,200 houses now)
·         2,800 + additional vehicles
·         Traffic congestion increases
·         Developers contribution $28 million
·         No plans drawn up and costings for proposed second crossing at Navau Reserve
·         No bridge improvement discussions until 500 dwellings approved
·         If plans rejected, what then?
·         RMS estimate infrastructure costs estimated to be over $100 million
·         State Government have stated they will not contribute
·         Hawkesbury City Council do not have the funds
·         Who will pay?

Come and support your community against this inappropriate development
Council Chambers
George Street

Friday, September 13, 2013

Meeting 16th September, 2013
North Richmond Community Centre
William Street
North Richmond

We will discuss Council's decision that Council Officers will liaise with those who made submissions on Redbank and Jacaranda Ponds, prior to the Planning Proposals being determined by Council. If you an have issue come along and share your concerns to see if a collective approach could help. All are welcome. 

Michael Want

Petition 2011 - Do not approve any rezoning west of the river

Please support this petition by asking Hawkesbury City Council:

Do not approve any rezoning west of the river

The petition will also be sent to:
Duncan Gay, State Minister for Roads
Brad Hazzard, Minister for Planning and Infrastructure


If you would like to help the committee collect signatures on a hardcopy you can download it here.

As at 6/7/13 the following have contributed to the petition:
Online 645
Hardcopy 3,588
Total 4,233

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Meeting Monday 17 June, 2013

Meeting 19th August, 2013
North Richmond Community Centre
William Street
North Richmond

Minutes. June 17th 2013. And, outcome of July 18th 2013 at Panthers.
Matters arising.
Correspondence in and out,
Secretary’s Report.
Financial Report,
Other reports,
Rates, Phil and Pam’s Street meeting and Council’s position. Phil and Beatriz.
RAAF meeting 24th of July. Doug.
Glossodia Group Jacaranda Ponds.
Council meetings
Proposed actions from meeting??

Close no later than 9.00pm

Monday, August 12, 2013

Submissions on Redbank Project

Submission on Redbank Project by Christopher Hallam Pty Ltd, download here

Submission on Redbank Project by Hawkesbury Environment Network [HEN], download here

Friday, August 2, 2013

Civilian Use of RAAF Base Richmond

Fellow members and friends of the Hawkesbury the North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association Inc. (NRDCAA) has arranged a Public Meeting ,Thursday 1st August 2013 at the Richmond Club, East Market Street, Richmond. The NRDCAA does not hold an opinion as such but feel that the community of the Hawkesbury should be informed so that they can form their own opinion, it is not just a matter of easy access to aerial travel but the matters of appropriate infrastructure (and lack of) ,pollution and noise, particularly for those who depend on tank water and/or are under the flight path.
So it was decided that:

"Following the release of the Joint Study on Aviation for the Sydney Region the Committee recommended the Australian Government initiate action to progressively open RAAF Base Richmond to a level of civil traffic....... with agreed conditions.

The authors of the report have agreed to present to a public meeting August 1, 2013 at the Richmond Club, 7.30pm, followed by a Q&A session.

The GM of Sydney Aviation Capacity Mr Brendan McRandle will be the keynote speaker".

Richmond Bridge and Approaches Congestion Study

Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) has now released the Preferred Short-Term and Long-Term Options Report for the Richmond Bridge and Approaches Congestion Study.

The preferred options were identified in close collaboration with key stakeholders, including through a Value Management Workshop involving community representatives.

The report details the preferred short-term (to 2021) and long-term options (to 2036) which would best address traffic congestion on Richmond Bridge and its approach roads.

Key short-term recommendations of the plan focus on improvements to three key intersections: Bells Line of road / Grose Vale Road, Kurrajong road / Yarramundi Lane / Old Kurrajong Road and Kurrajong road / Bosworth Street.

The study also identifies the preferred longer term option for duplicating Richmond Bridge to address the future traffic needs and recommends reservation of a revised road corridor.

This report is now available on the RMS website.  A link to the website is provided below:

For further information please don’t hesitate in contacting The Richmond Bridge Project Team by email to

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Street Meeting 27 July, 2013

Street Meeting 
Gregory Street 
North Richmond 
27 July 2013.


This meeting expresses its disgust with the massive increase in the residential rate that Councillors Ford, Tree, McKay,  Porter, Reardon ,Conolly and Creed have imposed on those who are least able to pay in the HLGA.   

All but Councillor Porter are members of the Liberal Party. All those Councillors collectively have put their political allegiance ahead of the residents and ratepayers with their action.

Increases of $600 per annum have been reported. This has imposed extreme stress on thousands in our Community.

Residents and Ratepayers feel betrayed by the above Councillors and call on the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to resign their leadership’s position immediately.

This meeting also notes that the Mayor used his casting vote to impose this huge rate hike in April. He could have prevented the massive increase but choose otherwise.

Councillor Porter was the mastermind behind this huge increase. He should also review his position in view that he personally benefitted from the decision. Further, his neglect to lodge a Development Application for a shed reflects poor governance for a person in his position.

Councillor Conolly also needs to review his behaviour and allegiances.

At the April Council meeting he did not support the increase.  He used the Gazette in December2012 to express his opposition because of the hardship the increase would impose on a pensioner from South Windsor and others.  Further Councillor Conolly said ‘I don’t think it’s fair for people of North Richmond, McGraths Hill and other residential areas to be subsidising the provision of services for people who choose that life-style’.

In June 2013 Councillor Conolly no longer had concerns for the pensioner’s position or the fair test he applied to the people of North Richmond, McGraths Hill and other residential areas. Councillor Conolly said one thing publicly and in the theatre of Council maintained his firm commitment to his Liberal colleagues. He abandoned the residents and ratepayers without a blink.

His action do not fit with the high office he holds to represent the interest of residents and ratepayers. He should also resign.

We also note the same Councillors, Ford, Tree, McKay, Porter Reardon Conolly and Creed also voted to reduced rural residential rates. Decreases of over $900.00 have been reported.

Should the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor Conolly not resign their positions, these meeting calls on the State Government to sack this incompetent Council and appoint an Administrator forthwith?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Submissions for Rebank Planning Proposal due 14 August, 2013


Following the public meeting on 18/7/13 we were asked to give information about the best way to
make a submission to Council about the Redbank project.

Your submission goes to:-

Hawkesbury City Council
PO Box 146
Windsor 2756
or email

Head the letter:-
Say who you are and which area you live in:-
e.g I am a mother with 2 children 7 and 4. I live in _________Rd. N.R. and work part
time in Richmond.
Then tell them how and why it affects you:-
e.g. The vastly increased traffic will prevent my eldest child going safely to school
independently. It will be dangerous to walk along the road and no footpaths are provided or
planned My journey time to work and later to pickup children will be increased. etc.
Be specific.
Then comment on the plan as you heard it at the public meeting on 18/7.
Points to consider- put in those that concern you or any you may like to add.
- The site is unsuitable. Rezoning from farmland so that you can build houses on lots as
small as 180sq. m makes no sense. The block sizes are much smaller than existing
ones in the area therefore out of character.
- There are inadequate emergency services . No ambulance or police station or
professional fire service this side of the River.
- The planning agreement is all in the favour of the developer not the Council and
- There is no guarantee that the facilities promised will be provided.
- The interests of the existing residents have not been considered.
- The destruction of Navua and Yarramundi reserves to build a bridge which will not be
flood free is senseless.
Ask that the rezoning not proceed in the community interest unless infrastructure be
provided first.

This is just a suggestion but feel free to use. Iʼm sure you can think of much more.
It is imperative that as many submissions as possible are sent. The community
organisations will be sending detailed submissions but unless these are supported by a

large number of individual ones we are wasting our time.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Rebank Planning Proposal - Public Meeting 18 July 2013

Rezoning, 1400 dwellings, over 2000 more cars for North Richmond! 

There will be a public meeting on Thursday 18th of July 7.30pm to discuss the Redbank Planning Proposal at Panthers North Richmond. Speakers will concentrate on the block sizes, timing of transport infrastructure, second river crossing at Navua, Services and the Environment. A Council Officer will also be in attendance to answer questions on the process and rezoning/development details. 

The Public meeting is being organised by the NRDCAA and The Grose Valley Positive Planning Group. If you are concerned by this proposal this meeting is a must. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Report on activities February 2012 to January 2013

Download the report to members of the North Richmond & Districts Community Action Association (NRDCAA) and others in accordance with Part 4 clause 24 (2) (b) February 2012- January 2013 here

Sunday, March 3, 2013

2013 Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting

Monday 18th March 2013  
North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond
commencing at 7:15pm

There will be a report on the activities of your association and all positions on the Committee of Management will be declared vacant and open for nomination from the members. Please consider your willingness and availability to join the committee, the work load and commitment from your committee has been incredible and as there is more and more pressure from developers this will only increase. The old saying ”Many hands make light work” is true in this case too!!

Please download a Membership Renewal Form and return it via mail or bring it to the Annual General Meeting.  If you cannot attend please complete a Proxy Form  You will notice that the fee has been increased by the Committee of Management to $15 and Concession $10. If this increase causes hardship then please contact me by any means, telephone if you prefer 4572-1160 so that arrangements can be made, your support is valued and appreciated. If you prefer to pay by Electronic Transfer please ensure that you give your name so that the money can be correctly credited.  The bank details are – Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000 Acct: 142-719-749.

Even though we are financial our limited funds restrict what we can do publicly, as an example, the advertisement in the  “Gazette” before the last Hawkesbury City Council elections cost $627, that was all that we could afford to do, as a result with limited success, it was  a cost we thought necessary to try and have community representation on Council not Party Political bias.

I look forward to seeing you there. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to become involved in their community, it is only by community involvement that we have a chance of having the community that we want and not just having to accept what is forced upon us.

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA

Monday, February 25, 2013

Community Planning Forum in Parramatta on 7 March, 2013

Better Planning Network and ParraCAN are hosting a Community Planning Forum

Overdevelopment in YOUR street
Have your say !!!

Important forum for all residents of Western Sydney
Before the 2011 election Barry O'Farrell promised to replace the notorious Part 3A planning law. What he didn't tell us was he was going to replace it with something far worse, including:
  The proposal to remove the right of residents and communities to comment and appeal against specific developments in their neighbourhood
    The proposal to establish ‘enterprise zones’ across entire Local Government Areas with few, if any planning controls
   The removal of Ecological Sustainable Development as the overall driver of the NSW Planning System
     Downgrading the importance of good building design, open space, parks and urban bushland
     The removal of legal protection  for many environmental policies
     The omission of any reference to heritage protection
     Prioritising fast-track development ahead of community wellbeing.

Public meeting 7.30 PM Thursday 7th March
Parramatta Town Hall, Church St Mall

Speakers:   Corinne Fisher (Better Planning Network)
                    Ron Hoenig (ALP Shadow Minister for Energy and Shadow Minister for Ports)
                    David Shoebridge (Greens MP)
No booking is necessary but RSVP preferred on our Facebook page

Parramatta Climate Action Network is a grassroots not-for-profit organisation acting in the community to raise awareness on climate change and renewable energy solutions.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Better Planning Network Petition

The Better Planning Network have started a petition as they  are concerned about  the NSW Government Green Paper to replace the existing planning laws in NSW with a system that will: 

• Remove the right of communities to have a say in development proposals and planning matters directly affecting their lives 
• Diminish the role of elected Councillors 
• Permit ‘Enterprise Zones’ with no planning controls to be imposed over entire suburbs or Local Government Areas 
• Not protect the environment or the heritage of the State 

The Better Planning Network are requesting the Parliament of NSW to: 
• Urgently establish a multi-party Parliamentary Committee to fairly assess the proposals to amend the planning system and ensure the community’s rights of participation, consultation and appeal are not reduced 
• Ensure that the community consultation period on the Government’s final proposal (White Paper) is at least 6 months long 

Meeting Monday 18 February, 2013

Special Guest 

The North Richmond and Community District Action Association (NRDCAA) monthly meeting will be held in the North Richmond Community Centre Monday 18th of February at 7.15 pm.

The NRDCAA has invited Matthew Owens City Planning Director to the meeting and present on the Draft Hawkesbury Community Strategic Plan (DHCSP) 2013-2032.
He has accepted.

We have forwarded some question to Mr Owens so he can be prepared.

According to the message in the DHCSP from Councillor Ford Mayor of HCC, This plan belongs to the people of the Hawkesbury. We encourage you to help us to achieve your vision.

The NRDCAA has over 4000 petitioners calling on the Mayor to oppose rezoning of land west of the river till our current traffic congestion is addressed. To date he has ignored the petitioners.

The NRDCAA doubts very much the sincerity of Councillor Ford’s message. However, it is in the community’s interest to attend, which will enable us to make a positive contribution to the peoples’ plan and make informed decisions in the future.

This is another opportunity to continue our efforts to have the majority Councillors represent the Community’s interest.

NRDCAA is a non political group who want a fair go for all residents and ratepayers.

This meeting is opened to all resident of the Hawkesbury.
Colleen Turnbull Secretary NRDCAA

Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Proposed Planning System

The key elements of the proposed new planning system are as follows:

•        Public participation – the public will be heavily involved in the formulation of the detailed strategic plans that will comprise the new planning system. Once these plans are in place, a development application that is consistent with these plans will require less public consultation. This will provide a great deal of certainty to proponents of development.

•       Local Land Use Plans – will replace Local Environmental Plans. In addition to development controls, Local Land Use Plans will contain a detailed strategic plan for the area. A development that is consistent with this strategic plan will be allowed to proceed based on its merits, even if it exceeds the base standards identified in the plan. All development guidelines will be fully integrated within Local Land Use Plans, removing the need for development control plans. Local Land Use Plans will also specify the infrastructure required to support the strategies identified in the plans. The requirements of all government agencies will be considered when a Local Land Use Plan is prepared. This will remove the need for a consent authority to seek concurrence or approval from other government bodies when determining a development application.

•        More flexible zones – Zones contained in planning documents will become less prescriptive and more flexible. A broader range of uses will be permitted in each zone. The Government proposes to introduce three new zones:

•       Enterprise Zones – will contain very little development control. They will contain incentives to attract investment;

•       Future Urban Release Area Zones – will identify areas of future growth; and

•       Suburban Character Zones – will explicitly preclude development that adversely impacts on the local character of the zone.

Proposed Council Rate Changes

Fellow Members and Supporters,

Below is important information that will affect you and your families, please read , act and share with others in your community:


Unless rescinded (Council meeting Feb.5th) a motion carried on the Mayor’s casting vote in the early hours of Dec. 13th will dramatically change YOUR Rates.

Rural Residential householders with between 2 and 40 hectares land will pay up to $2000 less while suburban house rates will increase by up to $200.

Current system.

Your rates are calculated by multiplying the land value by a rate in the dollar.
Urban area minimum rate is $485.

Rural residential 2 to 40 hectares
You pay a base rate $190 plus land value x rate in the dollar.

Proposed system.

This is a redistribution of charges to obtain the same amount.
Council would get 65% from residential and 20% from Rural residential with the balance from business and farms.

In North  Richmond average rates on each urban house block will increase by $124 to $940 p.a. while rates on rural residential properties decrease by $627 to $1348,

What your rates provide.

Your rates provide 70% of Council’s income. T he money,  for the benefit of every one, is spent on:-

Recycling and waste services
Building, planning  Capital works
Parks, gardens, environmental care   
Sport and recreation
and many other services.


Any change in this system should only be undertaken if a gross inequity, within the current system, can be demonstrated.

What you can do?

Attend the Council meeting on February 5th, 2013

Share this information with your friends and let Councillors know your views before February 5th Council meeting.

Colleen Turnbull

Secretary NRDCAA

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Meeting Monday 21 January, 2013


Monday 21st January 2013 at 7:15 pm the North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association Inc. (NRDCAA) will hold it’s first meeting for the year at the North Richmond Community Centre, William Street ,North Richmond.

Your Committee hope that you all had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year break.

On behalf of the NRDCAA membership and the community the committee invited the 3 new Hawkesbury City Councillors:  Mary Lyons- Buckett, Patrick Connolly and Michael Creed to address our first meeting in 2013 and asked them to address the following issues:
1)            Their 2 major goals for residents and ratepayers west of the river in 2013.
2)            Their commitment to implement the “Hawkesbury Strategic Plan 2010-2030” as adopted by Hawkesbury City Council.
3)            How they will represent residents’ and ratepayers’ interests as contained in the Local Government Act 1993 Division 3 Section 232 sub-clause (2), to ensure that their interests are paramount.

To date only Councillor Mary Lyons- Buckett has agreed to come and address this meeting. The other 2 were offered the opportunity to indicate when they would be available but to date have chosen not to indicate their possible availability. They and ALL councillors have been given a standing invitation to attend any of our meetings .

We have had a reply regarding the Heritage listing of the “Keyline” properties and that will be discussed.

Please make the effort to come and encourage your family, friends and neighbours to come too. If you have any matters of local concern that you feel should be discussed and possible action taken then please come and voice them.

Of course there will be a cuppa, bikkies, a raffle and good company!!  I wouldn’t miss it for quids and neither should you!!!

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA

Minutes from 19 November, 2012

Meeting of the NRDCAA Monday 19/11/2012 at 7:15pm.

Apologies: D. Lanham.Moved C.Turnbull Sec’d B.Insausti.

Correspondence In: Confirmation email from Chris Amit (HCC) re meeting regarding “Adopt a Road”.
Emails in reply re “Yobarnie” and “Nevallan” listing.
RMS  “Long Term Report” on Bells Line of Road.

Correspondence Out”: Email to Heritage re adaptive reuse proposals.
Email to HCC re “Adopt a Road” appointment with Michael and Beatriz.
Moved C.Turnbull Sec’d J.Macintosh.Minutes read and confirmed. Moved C.Turnbull Sec’d. V.Head.
President’s Report: No Umbrella Group meeting until at least the New Year.
Sent an email to Mark Regent re “Buildev” financial woes and putting info on our web site.
“Adopt a Road” idea is to try and keep our area looking good as well as possible raising of the NRDCAA profile..Read duties as proscribed by HCC.Alternate date for meeting 29/11/2013.

Treasurer’s Report:  $493.47 Rent $54 Balance $449.47. Moved M.Smith Sec’d .J.Maguire.
Councillor Paul Rasmussen addressed the meeting- Retirement of Hercules aircraft (H model) DoD said 2015 then room at Richmond Base for civilian aircraft. The new C-27 Caribou will initially be based at Richmond but later moved to Amberley. Major airport for Sydney 25-30 years away but Richmond could provide relief for Sydney- 3 scenarios-least favourable- Option 1:1 million passengers/year. Runway 2.4km long capable of taking large aircraft. Can’t take “Jumbo” E-W not International flights. Will take East coast runs Jet Star etc.$150 million but not much change to infrastructure.   
Option 2: 2-5 million passengers- $500 million ,more infrastructure large terminal E-W runway. No indication of curfew.
Option3: N-S runway ,30 million passengers $3 billion .

HCC should lobby to keep RAAF operational base.Clr Paine put a NoM to hold public meetings and find out what the public wants but the Liberal majority on council amended the NoM to write to the Federal Government. Councillor Rasmussen explained the options to the other councillors but the Liberals refused public meetings.
Due to her election Mary Lyons-Buckett resigned her position as Vice President although Beatriz has agreed to step into the vacancy temporarily  we still need a volunteer for the position.

Margaret tabled the HEN submission on the heritage listing- Thank you Robin and HEN for their submission it was thorough and professional.
“Better Planning Network” the CoM has agreed to affiliate with this body in order to try and influence State Government planning laws to better represent the views of the people.

Next meeting 21/1/2013

Meeting closed 9pm.