Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Street Meeting 27 July, 2013

Street Meeting 
Gregory Street 
North Richmond 
27 July 2013.


This meeting expresses its disgust with the massive increase in the residential rate that Councillors Ford, Tree, McKay,  Porter, Reardon ,Conolly and Creed have imposed on those who are least able to pay in the HLGA.   

All but Councillor Porter are members of the Liberal Party. All those Councillors collectively have put their political allegiance ahead of the residents and ratepayers with their action.

Increases of $600 per annum have been reported. This has imposed extreme stress on thousands in our Community.

Residents and Ratepayers feel betrayed by the above Councillors and call on the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to resign their leadership’s position immediately.

This meeting also notes that the Mayor used his casting vote to impose this huge rate hike in April. He could have prevented the massive increase but choose otherwise.

Councillor Porter was the mastermind behind this huge increase. He should also review his position in view that he personally benefitted from the decision. Further, his neglect to lodge a Development Application for a shed reflects poor governance for a person in his position.

Councillor Conolly also needs to review his behaviour and allegiances.

At the April Council meeting he did not support the increase.  He used the Gazette in December2012 to express his opposition because of the hardship the increase would impose on a pensioner from South Windsor and others.  Further Councillor Conolly said ‘I don’t think it’s fair for people of North Richmond, McGraths Hill and other residential areas to be subsidising the provision of services for people who choose that life-style’.

In June 2013 Councillor Conolly no longer had concerns for the pensioner’s position or the fair test he applied to the people of North Richmond, McGraths Hill and other residential areas. Councillor Conolly said one thing publicly and in the theatre of Council maintained his firm commitment to his Liberal colleagues. He abandoned the residents and ratepayers without a blink.

His action do not fit with the high office he holds to represent the interest of residents and ratepayers. He should also resign.

We also note the same Councillors, Ford, Tree, McKay, Porter Reardon Conolly and Creed also voted to reduced rural residential rates. Decreases of over $900.00 have been reported.

Should the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor Conolly not resign their positions, these meeting calls on the State Government to sack this incompetent Council and appoint an Administrator forthwith?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Submissions for Rebank Planning Proposal due 14 August, 2013


Following the public meeting on 18/7/13 we were asked to give information about the best way to
make a submission to Council about the Redbank project.

Your submission goes to:-

Hawkesbury City Council
PO Box 146
Windsor 2756
or email

Head the letter:-
Say who you are and which area you live in:-
e.g I am a mother with 2 children 7 and 4. I live in _________Rd. N.R. and work part
time in Richmond.
Then tell them how and why it affects you:-
e.g. The vastly increased traffic will prevent my eldest child going safely to school
independently. It will be dangerous to walk along the road and no footpaths are provided or
planned My journey time to work and later to pickup children will be increased. etc.
Be specific.
Then comment on the plan as you heard it at the public meeting on 18/7.
Points to consider- put in those that concern you or any you may like to add.
- The site is unsuitable. Rezoning from farmland so that you can build houses on lots as
small as 180sq. m makes no sense. The block sizes are much smaller than existing
ones in the area therefore out of character.
- There are inadequate emergency services . No ambulance or police station or
professional fire service this side of the River.
- The planning agreement is all in the favour of the developer not the Council and
- There is no guarantee that the facilities promised will be provided.
- The interests of the existing residents have not been considered.
- The destruction of Navua and Yarramundi reserves to build a bridge which will not be
flood free is senseless.
Ask that the rezoning not proceed in the community interest unless infrastructure be
provided first.

This is just a suggestion but feel free to use. Iʼm sure you can think of much more.
It is imperative that as many submissions as possible are sent. The community
organisations will be sending detailed submissions but unless these are supported by a

large number of individual ones we are wasting our time.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Rebank Planning Proposal - Public Meeting 18 July 2013

Rezoning, 1400 dwellings, over 2000 more cars for North Richmond! 

There will be a public meeting on Thursday 18th of July 7.30pm to discuss the Redbank Planning Proposal at Panthers North Richmond. Speakers will concentrate on the block sizes, timing of transport infrastructure, second river crossing at Navua, Services and the Environment. A Council Officer will also be in attendance to answer questions on the process and rezoning/development details. 

The Public meeting is being organised by the NRDCAA and The Grose Valley Positive Planning Group. If you are concerned by this proposal this meeting is a must.