Sunday, March 25, 2012

Windsor Bridge

Community Action for Windsor Bridge (CAWB) is a community action group which was formed in response to the Roads and Maritime Services' (formerly Roads and Traffic Authority) decision to demolish and replace the existing Hawkesbury River bridge (Windsor Bridge) at Windsor and restructure adjacent intersections and approach roads. 

CAWB produced a paper and presented this to the Windsor Business Group on 27/2/12.  It can be downloaded here. 

The Roads and Maritime Services conducted a preliminary investigation into the possible options which could achieve their objectives. They selected Option 1 as their preference and are now seeking approval from the Minister for Planning and Infrastructure for its construction. 

CAWB feels, from a reading of the Roads and Maritime Service's own documents,  that Option 1 will be detrimental to the community at Windsor. It will result in:
  1. The demolition of the historic Windsor Bridge;
  2. The placement of a high, modern bridge structure through the historic Thompson Square precinct, permanently destroying the heritage value of the area;
  3. The destruction the physical and visual amenity of public space in Thompson Square;
  4. Traffic congestion because it will reach capacity in 2026;
  5. Destruction of Windsor's heritage tourism;
  6. Disruption to local businesses.

CAWB is made up of local people from a wide variety of backgrounds including lawyers, engineers, financial advisers, business owners, teachers, architects, builders and academics.CAWB is also made up of families who have passion for the Hawkesbury and their local community.  Many also have ties to the very early settlers in the Hawkesbury and are proud and protective of both their longstanding family ties to the area and the historical significance of Windsor. 

CAWB's Mission
CAWB's mission is to stop the approval and construction of any bridge (including adjacent intersections and approach roads) that diverts through traffic into the Windsor town centre and historic Thompson Square precinct. CAWB seeks ways to reinstate and restore the heritage value of Thompson Square and make it the enjoyable open civic space first envisioned by Governor Macquarie. CAWB understands that this will service the needs of the community, attract heritage tourism, increase local business turnover and hence ensure Windsor's future amenity and prosperity.

For more information on CAWB visit their website.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Issues Paper Submissions

NRDCAA has submitted a response to The way forward for planning in NSW, the issues paper of the NSW Planning System Review, released 6 December 2011 which can be downloaded from here. 

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Umbrella Group Statement

Umbrella Group Statement
27 02 2012

Representatives from Community Groups, and residents from HLGA met on Monday evening 27 02 2012 to discuss Council Elections in September 2012.

The Umbrella Group (UG) felt there was an urgent need to identify potential candidates for Hawkesbury Council elections in September 2012.

The UG are of the very firm view that the majority political group of liberal Councillors are not representing the interest of residents and ratepayers.

The evidence for that is demonstrated by the back flip by then Mayor Bassett which lead to the overturning of the Mayoral minute subsequent to his election to State Parliament. In addition, the same political grouping continue to approve development without adequate infrastructure leading to extensive traffic congestion and stress by residents and ratepayers in and around Richmond, North Richmond extending to Kurmond, particularly in the am, and feeder roads along the way.

Further, the UG declared it was absolutely essential, if the community wants a fair go, the community must never again elect a political group with an absolute majority within Council. It has led to a diabolical situation where the current majority are not listening nor representing the interest of residents and ratepayers.

The representatives will discuss the outcome with their communities; seek support to participate in further meetings to progress an outcome that will truly represent the interest of ratepayers and residents.
Once feedback is received the UG will meet again. The aim is to reconvene Monday March 26 2012.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Meeting 19 March, 2012 Cancelled

Fellow Members and Supporters please be advised the North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association (NRDCAA) meeting due to be held on Monday 19th March 2012 has been cancelled as members of the Committee of Management of the NRDCAA have applied to attend the State Government’s Public Cabinet Meeting and speak to Ministers regarding the lack of infrastructure in the Hawkesbury and the effect on the population.
HOWEVER , there is something that YOU can do!! Our local Member of Parliament, Mr Bart Bassett , who was elected to represent the people is refusing to communicate with YOUR association, effectively disenfranchising the members of the NRDCAA and the public who attend our meetings and have asked us to represent them and their concerns for the well-being of the Hawkesbury and it’s residents. He has used the excuse that we have misrepresented him, he has only detailed one instance which was an error of editing and was corrected as soon as it was noticed, within 2 days. We do not think that this is acceptable behaviour from someone who is supposed to represent us in State Parliament.
According to the research that I have done he is under NO OBLIGATION to communicate with his electorate!!!!! This situation MUST BE REMEDIED. So, we need you and others to communicate your dissatisfaction with his refusal to communicate and do his job of representing his constituents to the Premier and other members of State Cabinet.
Below are listed some email addresses that might prove useful:

And for good measure :
Governor Marie Bashir AC
Office of the Governor of NSW
Level 3, Chief Secretary’s Building
121 Macquarie Street,
SYDNEY 2000.

Please take the time to write and support  your association in the job that you have asked us to do on your behalf.

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA

Monday, March 5, 2012


The NRDCAA at all times strives for accuracy.
Any error brought to our attention will be immediately corrected.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Want to make a donation to NRDCAA

NRDCAA welcomes donations from the community and businesses to help with costs associated with getting our messages out far and wide.

Account Name:  North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association Inc.
Bank:  Bendigo Bank
BSB 633-000
Account 142719749