At the Council meeting of 31st March, 2009, Item 56 relates to the Draft Community Strategic Plan which is a plan prepared by the council to shape the future of the Hawkesbury area in the next 30 years. As we have been drawn together by our concerns over a proposed development which would impact detrimentally on our level of services and infrastructure plus alter the rural amenity of the North Richmond area, it is very important that we use this opportunity to tell the Council what levels and styles of development are sustainable and acceptable and to outline a vision for the future of our beautiful area.
Click here for the Item from the Business Paper - if the motion is passed at the meeting, it will be placed on public exhibition for a period of time in which time the public can comment in a variety of ways which will be included on the document itself. It is most important that people use this opportunity as this plan looks well into the future and it is the right of each and every one of us to have an opinion considered in the making of it.
This document can be commented on NOW and also in the future when it goes on public exhibition - Councillor email addresses are listed under 'Write to our Councillors' section of this blog if you want to send a message to the Council about what you want our area to be like in 5, 10, 15, 30 years time - do we want to retain the rural character? Do we want urban expansion? Do we need better public transport? Do we need to protect the vulnerable waterways and flora and fauna of the region? Do we want maximum community involvement in decisions being made about what happens where we live? These are just some concerns and issues which need to be considered.
If we want to shape our future then we need to let the Council know that we care about the directions and decisions being made on our behalf and therefore we need to contribute to the criteria which will be considered when applications for developments arise and when decisions are taken on what types of services and infrastructure are required.
So, please take the time to read the document which is attached and encourage your friends, neighbours and work colleagues to do the same. Write to councillors and tell them what we want and dont want, what we need and dont need! They are elected to represent us, not to implement their own personal idea of what the area will be like, so we need to make our voices and ideas heard.
At the next meeting of NRDCAA we will also hold discussions about preparing an group response to submit about this, but as many individuals should also try and let council know we are wanting to involve ourselves in our future - so please write if you can.
The community of North Richmond and surrounding areas of the Hawkesbury are concerned about new developments west of river without addressing the inadequate infrastructure FIRST. Aged Care Facility + 197 over 55’s approved – no significant infrastructure upgrades 1,399 dwellings proposed for North Richmond – infrastructure upgrade proposed after the 459th dwelling 580 dwellings proposed for Glossodia Help NRDCAA and other community groups by joining or donating
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