North Richmond and District Community Action Association represents its members in many matters of concern. We are apolitical.
Your committee meets regularly. This newsletter is to keep you informed of our work. Face to face meetings with members are becoming increasingly difficult to arrange but we will call these as necessary and will inform you of these dates via email, facebook page and our website.
Your committee continues to collaborate with the current Council, RMS and other State Government Departments. On the whole progress remains slow.
TRAFFIC remains the major problem and here we have some successes and some making slow progress
The NRDCAA made a submission to Hawkesbury City Council in opposition to Redbank DA 0498/18 February 2019. This was in opposition to new blocks being released BEFORE the Grose Vale Road was lowered the roundabout constructed and access roads were completed. This has prevented extra traffic on Pecks Road
As a side issue the NRDCAA committee met with Hawkesbury City Council General Manager with regard to the increasing safety issues on Pecks Road which resulted in traffic count on Pecks Road. The committee is following what action will result from this data.
As a sign of the vastly improved recognition by Council of community groups, Council at its March 12th meeting resolve to inform community Groups of the Development Application including Environmental Impact Statement for the Bell Quarry Rehabilitation Project at Clarence (DA 294/18) Lithgow City Council. This DA 294/18 is for a quarry “rehabilitation”, which involves major landfill, promises 74 large quarry truck journeys from Sydney carrying landfill along Bells line and the Great Western Highway each day for the next 15 years! NRDCAA did object and committee lodged several individual ones also.
Richmond Bridge Duplication and traffic improvements-Working Group
The NRDCAA are continuing to represent your interests at community workshops run by the RMS and also having other community groups attend.
These workshops are considering the route and placement for a third river crossing. The community Groups and Council are pushing for a bypass as the proposal to duplicate the Richmond Bridge is not a bypass. Public transport has also been put on the table by the NRDCAA. There have been three meetings to date, with another due in April. RMS is hoping to finalise a position by December 2019.
GROSE RIVER BRIDGE - COMMUNITY MEETING A meeting to update the community on the Grose River Bridge was held on Thursday, 11 April 2019. The information from this meeting is on council website
Last year North Richmond was one of two urban areas selected by the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) in research as to how communities can prepare for, and recover from, disasters such as Flood and Bushfires. NRDCAA was asked by the then Mayor to attend and take part in the study which is monitored by Sydney and Newcastle Universities. The study has government support and is funded by Prince Charles’s charity. The work is continuing very slowly in co-operation with Kurrajong Forum and Bowen Mountain Association.
If you would like to join our face book page here is the link,
Should you want further information please contact Beatriz Insausti on 0414709303 or via email
Authorised by Beatriz Insausti President NRDCAA Inc.
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