Sunday, January 27, 2013

New Proposed Planning System

The key elements of the proposed new planning system are as follows:

•        Public participation – the public will be heavily involved in the formulation of the detailed strategic plans that will comprise the new planning system. Once these plans are in place, a development application that is consistent with these plans will require less public consultation. This will provide a great deal of certainty to proponents of development.

•       Local Land Use Plans – will replace Local Environmental Plans. In addition to development controls, Local Land Use Plans will contain a detailed strategic plan for the area. A development that is consistent with this strategic plan will be allowed to proceed based on its merits, even if it exceeds the base standards identified in the plan. All development guidelines will be fully integrated within Local Land Use Plans, removing the need for development control plans. Local Land Use Plans will also specify the infrastructure required to support the strategies identified in the plans. The requirements of all government agencies will be considered when a Local Land Use Plan is prepared. This will remove the need for a consent authority to seek concurrence or approval from other government bodies when determining a development application.

•        More flexible zones – Zones contained in planning documents will become less prescriptive and more flexible. A broader range of uses will be permitted in each zone. The Government proposes to introduce three new zones:

•       Enterprise Zones – will contain very little development control. They will contain incentives to attract investment;

•       Future Urban Release Area Zones – will identify areas of future growth; and

•       Suburban Character Zones – will explicitly preclude development that adversely impacts on the local character of the zone.

Proposed Council Rate Changes

Fellow Members and Supporters,

Below is important information that will affect you and your families, please read , act and share with others in your community:


Unless rescinded (Council meeting Feb.5th) a motion carried on the Mayor’s casting vote in the early hours of Dec. 13th will dramatically change YOUR Rates.

Rural Residential householders with between 2 and 40 hectares land will pay up to $2000 less while suburban house rates will increase by up to $200.

Current system.

Your rates are calculated by multiplying the land value by a rate in the dollar.
Urban area minimum rate is $485.

Rural residential 2 to 40 hectares
You pay a base rate $190 plus land value x rate in the dollar.

Proposed system.

This is a redistribution of charges to obtain the same amount.
Council would get 65% from residential and 20% from Rural residential with the balance from business and farms.

In North  Richmond average rates on each urban house block will increase by $124 to $940 p.a. while rates on rural residential properties decrease by $627 to $1348,

What your rates provide.

Your rates provide 70% of Council’s income. T he money,  for the benefit of every one, is spent on:-

Recycling and waste services
Building, planning  Capital works
Parks, gardens, environmental care   
Sport and recreation
and many other services.


Any change in this system should only be undertaken if a gross inequity, within the current system, can be demonstrated.

What you can do?

Attend the Council meeting on February 5th, 2013

Share this information with your friends and let Councillors know your views before February 5th Council meeting.

Colleen Turnbull

Secretary NRDCAA

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Meeting Monday 21 January, 2013


Monday 21st January 2013 at 7:15 pm the North Richmond and Districts Community Action Association Inc. (NRDCAA) will hold it’s first meeting for the year at the North Richmond Community Centre, William Street ,North Richmond.

Your Committee hope that you all had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year break.

On behalf of the NRDCAA membership and the community the committee invited the 3 new Hawkesbury City Councillors:  Mary Lyons- Buckett, Patrick Connolly and Michael Creed to address our first meeting in 2013 and asked them to address the following issues:
1)            Their 2 major goals for residents and ratepayers west of the river in 2013.
2)            Their commitment to implement the “Hawkesbury Strategic Plan 2010-2030” as adopted by Hawkesbury City Council.
3)            How they will represent residents’ and ratepayers’ interests as contained in the Local Government Act 1993 Division 3 Section 232 sub-clause (2), to ensure that their interests are paramount.

To date only Councillor Mary Lyons- Buckett has agreed to come and address this meeting. The other 2 were offered the opportunity to indicate when they would be available but to date have chosen not to indicate their possible availability. They and ALL councillors have been given a standing invitation to attend any of our meetings .

We have had a reply regarding the Heritage listing of the “Keyline” properties and that will be discussed.

Please make the effort to come and encourage your family, friends and neighbours to come too. If you have any matters of local concern that you feel should be discussed and possible action taken then please come and voice them.

Of course there will be a cuppa, bikkies, a raffle and good company!!  I wouldn’t miss it for quids and neither should you!!!

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA

Minutes from 19 November, 2012

Meeting of the NRDCAA Monday 19/11/2012 at 7:15pm.

Apologies: D. Lanham.Moved C.Turnbull Sec’d B.Insausti.

Correspondence In: Confirmation email from Chris Amit (HCC) re meeting regarding “Adopt a Road”.
Emails in reply re “Yobarnie” and “Nevallan” listing.
RMS  “Long Term Report” on Bells Line of Road.

Correspondence Out”: Email to Heritage re adaptive reuse proposals.
Email to HCC re “Adopt a Road” appointment with Michael and Beatriz.
Moved C.Turnbull Sec’d J.Macintosh.Minutes read and confirmed. Moved C.Turnbull Sec’d. V.Head.
President’s Report: No Umbrella Group meeting until at least the New Year.
Sent an email to Mark Regent re “Buildev” financial woes and putting info on our web site.
“Adopt a Road” idea is to try and keep our area looking good as well as possible raising of the NRDCAA profile..Read duties as proscribed by HCC.Alternate date for meeting 29/11/2013.

Treasurer’s Report:  $493.47 Rent $54 Balance $449.47. Moved M.Smith Sec’d .J.Maguire.
Councillor Paul Rasmussen addressed the meeting- Retirement of Hercules aircraft (H model) DoD said 2015 then room at Richmond Base for civilian aircraft. The new C-27 Caribou will initially be based at Richmond but later moved to Amberley. Major airport for Sydney 25-30 years away but Richmond could provide relief for Sydney- 3 scenarios-least favourable- Option 1:1 million passengers/year. Runway 2.4km long capable of taking large aircraft. Can’t take “Jumbo” E-W not International flights. Will take East coast runs Jet Star etc.$150 million but not much change to infrastructure.   
Option 2: 2-5 million passengers- $500 million ,more infrastructure large terminal E-W runway. No indication of curfew.
Option3: N-S runway ,30 million passengers $3 billion .

HCC should lobby to keep RAAF operational base.Clr Paine put a NoM to hold public meetings and find out what the public wants but the Liberal majority on council amended the NoM to write to the Federal Government. Councillor Rasmussen explained the options to the other councillors but the Liberals refused public meetings.
Due to her election Mary Lyons-Buckett resigned her position as Vice President although Beatriz has agreed to step into the vacancy temporarily  we still need a volunteer for the position.

Margaret tabled the HEN submission on the heritage listing- Thank you Robin and HEN for their submission it was thorough and professional.
“Better Planning Network” the CoM has agreed to affiliate with this body in order to try and influence State Government planning laws to better represent the views of the people.

Next meeting 21/1/2013

Meeting closed 9pm.