The key elements of the proposed new planning system are as follows:
• Public participation – the public will be heavily involved in the formulation of the detailed strategic plans that will comprise the new planning system. Once these plans are in place, a development application that is consistent with these plans will require less public consultation. This will provide a great deal of certainty to proponents of development.
• Local Land Use Plans – will replace Local Environmental Plans. In addition to development controls, Local Land Use Plans will contain a detailed strategic plan for the area. A development that is consistent with this strategic plan will be allowed to proceed based on its merits, even if it exceeds the base standards identified in the plan. All development guidelines will be fully integrated within Local Land Use Plans, removing the need for development control plans. Local Land Use Plans will also specify the infrastructure required to support the strategies identified in the plans. The requirements of all government agencies will be considered when a Local Land Use Plan is prepared. This will remove the need for a consent authority to seek concurrence or approval from other government bodies when determining a development application.
• More flexible zones – Zones contained in planning documents will become less prescriptive and more flexible. A broader range of uses will be permitted in each zone. The Government proposes to introduce three new zones:
• Enterprise Zones – will contain very little development control. They will contain incentives to attract investment;
• Future Urban Release Area Zones – will identify areas of future growth; and
• Suburban Character Zones – will explicitly preclude development that adversely impacts on the local character of the zone.