Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Meetings for 2012

The NRDCAA meets the third Monday of the Month except December at the North Richmond Community Centre at William Street North Richmond at 7.00pm.

The Association acknowledges we have a massive job ahead, endeavouring to have State Members of Parliament and the majority of Councillors, listen and represent the interest of the Community. We believe if we work together for the common good we will succeed.

We invite you to participate for the benefit of all.

The dates for 2012 are;

January 16th
February 20th
March 19th
April 16th
May 21st
June 18th
July 16th
August 20th
September 17th
October 15th
November 19th

All Community members from the Hawkesbury Council area are welcome.

Redbank Creek Polluted!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Letter to Hawkesbury City Council

At the NRDCAA community meeting held on 21/11/11 Mathew Owens, Director of City Planning from Hawkesbury City Council attended.
A number of concerns were raised for which the committee has written to Hawkesbury City Council for investigation.

Firstly, one to do with inadequate drainage, secondly, who polices the North Richmond Joint Venture (NRJV) development site “Yobarnie”, particularly in regards to excessive and contaminated run-off into dams, private property and Redbank Creek and thirdly, the possible existence of a private cemetery still existing within the development site.  Read more.....

Friday, November 11, 2011

21 November, 2011 Meeting

November Meeting
Monday 21/11/2011
North Richmond Community Centre

Matthew Owens, Director of City Planning Hawkesbury has kindly agreed to give his time and will be giving a presentation on the new “Gateway” process that is being used now in the approval for rezoning of land. The remainder of the development at 108 Grose Vale Road will come under this new process so it is imperative that we understand it so that we can make informed submissions/comments on the development.

Please come along and bring your family and friends too, we must continue to show public interest and concern or your opinions will continue to be discounted by the Liberal Party caucus on Hawkesbury City Council.

A petition has been organized – it can be signed at the meeting or if your prefer you can do it on-line or just “google” nrdcaa . Copies will be available for you to take and circulate  and don’t forget your email address book- lots of contacts there BUT you can’t sign more than once!! Either on-line or hard copy.

This will be the last meeting for 2011. There will be a raffle as usual and a cuppa- with biscuits too if you would like!!

Your committee looks forward to seeing you there.

Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA