What we do
committee meets monthly and advocates for members in many ways.
During the
last twelve months we have had a representative at almost every Council meeting
and have spoken on your behalf at many of them. Subjects
have been:
- Traffic problems and the inadequate road system
- Peel Park master plan.
- As a result of this we were made “stakeholders” and now have a say in what happens in Peel Park.
Some of the
submissions we have made are:-
- State Government Inquiry into Windsor Bridge
- Council regarding Planning matters.
- The latest is to Council regarding the plan to expand the Blue Water extraction plant at Bowen Mountain.
We work
with HEN and Streamwatch to conserve Redbank Creek. This involves
sampling and undertaking further education with the Australian Museum.
We have
dialogue with CAWB and members act as ambassadors to protect Thompson Square
Some of
the letters sent to relevant State and Federal Ministers have dealt
with :-
- Meals on Wheels
- Heritage Commission
- HCC pollution including sewage identified in the steam
- The Gazette
- The contractors for roadwork at traffic lights (Downer Mouchel)
- Mail drop regarding Peel Park
We have met
with and attended workshops with Greater Sydney Commission
we have a nominee on Sydney Water Reference group for this area
in :-
- ‘Fit for the Future’ meetings.
- Meeting to discuss Plans for Redbank village and have ongoing dialogue
- Met with Dominic Perrotet re traffic congestion
the NRDCAA was encouraged to apply for membership of Get Ready NSW
Pilot Program , Disaster Resilient: Future Ready. This is an organization aimed
to protect communities in times of disaster. We are shortlisted and begin
discussions next week.