The Australian and NSW governments are aiming to reduce congestion on Kurrajong Road, March Street and Bells Line of Road approaches to Richmond Bridge. The Australian Government has provided $18 million in funding to improve traffic conditions at three intersections in two stages as follows:
- Kurrajong Road and Old Kurrajong Road, Richmond (Stage 1)
- March Street and Bosworth Street, Richmond (Stage 2)
- Bells Line of Road and Grose Vale Road, North Richmond (Stage 2).
Richmond intersection improvements – Stage 2 Bells Line of Road and Grose Vale Road, North Richmond report can be downloaded
Comments and responses from consultation for proposed work at the intersection of Bells Line of Road and Grose Vale Road can be downloaded
here. A separate Community Consultation Report has been published for the proposed improvements at March Street and Bosworth Street intersection – also part of Stage 2.