Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Report from Council meeting on 25 October and 8 November, 2016

There were two meetings of Council, 25th of October 2016 and the 8th of November 2016, since the October Report.  The report can be downloaded from here.

The report covers main issues as determined by the Committee of Management (CoM) that could affect residents and ratepayers, or could be a matter of public interest.

This report should not be relied upon by residents and ratepayers. The Reports, motions and resolutions are mostly truncated.
Council Business Papers and Minutes of each meeting are available on the Council website.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

2016 AGM

Fellow members and residents the NRDCAA (north Richmond and Districts Community Action Association) started as a “one issue” group ie. The development of the former P.A Yeomans property known as “Yobarnie” and now “Redbank”.

Our role since then has grown, we are now approached by resident on other matters of community concern such as:

          Ratepayers finding a very large factory style mushroom farm on their rural boundary.

          Small businesses threatened with the loss of all customer parking.

          Residents in danger of road collapse into their property.

          Parking and traffic concerns.

In many cases we provide information as to how to object and to whom.  We arrange meetings with HCC and others-   developers , RMS, state and federal MPs.

We write submissions on the community’s behalf. 

Committee members monitor Council business.

We organise forums so that you can personally meet and question would be Local, State and Federal government representatives.

Currently we are liaising with the Better Planning Network regarding the Greater Sydney Commission which will rewrite the planning agenda for the State.  

We attend planning workshops organised by BPN, TEC and UWS to make sure the needs of our area are considered.

We monitor the Redbank Creek in North Richmond so that we can alert authorities to any pollution caused by the  developer of “Redbank” or broken sewage pipes causing leaks,

This is all done by a small committee of volunteers.  We really need your support and input.

Are we doing what you need us to do?

How and what can we do better?

The AGM will be held on Monday 21st November at the North Richmond Community Centre , William Street, North Richmond commencing at 7:15pm.

ALL committee positions will be declared vacant and will need to be filled. Please consider joining our team.

As mentioned previously I am not standing for re-election to the position of Secretary and Public Officer. Ideally it should be filled by someone with more than the rudimentary computer skills that I have .

Please set the date aside in your busy schedules and come along and contribute to your community.

Colleen Turnbull

Secretary NRDCAA

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Report from Council meeting on 27 September and the Extraordinary meeting 11 October, 2016

There were two meetings of Council since the September Report, 27th of September 2016, Extraordinary, and the 11th of October 2016, Ordinary meeting of Council.  The report covers main issues as determined by the CoM that could affect residents and ratepayers, or could be a matter of public interest.  Download the report here.  This report should not be relied upon by residents and ratepayers. The Reports, motions, and resolutions are mostly truncated.

Council Business Papers and Minutes of each meeting are available on the Council website.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

NRDCAA October 2016 meeting

Fellow members and Hawkesburyites the October meeting of the NRDCAA will be held on Monday 17th October at the North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond commencing at 7:15pm.

There will be a report on the Hawkesbury City Council meetings and other reports that I am sure will be of interest.

A reminder that the AGM will be held on Monday 21st November 2016. All positions will be declared vacant. I will not be standing for the position of Secretary and Public Officer. Please consider how you can support your community by nominating for a position on the committee.

If you would like a nomination form please email me and I will send one to you. Membership fees are due on that night and you must be financial to vote.

I look forward to seeing you Monday night – a cuppa and raffle as usual.

Colleen Turnbull

Secretary NRDCAA

Friday, September 30, 2016

Report from Council meeting on 30 August, 2016 and 2016 Council Election results

The August 2016 report covers main issues as determined by the CoM that could affect residents and ratepayers, or could be a matter of public interest.  Download the report from here.

This report should not be relied upon by residents and ratepayers. The Reports, motions and resolutions are mostly truncated.

Council Business Papers and Minutes of each meeting are available on the Council website. 

This report also includes the results from the 2016 Hawkesbury City Council Elections.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

NRDCAA September 2016 meeting

The September meeting of the NRDCAA will be held on Monday 19th September at the North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond commencing at 7:15pm.

All welcome.

The AGM will be held on 21 November, 2016.  All positions will be declared vacant. Colleen Turnbull will not be standing as Secretary/Public Officer.  Please consider nominating, computer skills required.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Stage 2 Bells Line of Road and Grose Vale Road, North Richmond

The Australian and NSW governments are aiming to reduce congestion on Kurrajong Road, March Street and Bells Line of Road approaches to Richmond Bridge. The Australian Government has provided $18 million in funding to improve traffic conditions at three intersections in two stages as follows:
  • Kurrajong Road and Old Kurrajong Road, Richmond (Stage 1)
  • March Street and Bosworth Street, Richmond (Stage 2)
  • Bells Line of Road and Grose Vale Road, North Richmond (Stage 2).
Richmond intersection improvements – Stage 2 Bells Line of Road and Grose Vale Road, North Richmond report can be downloaded here.

Comments and responses from consultation for proposed work at the intersection of Bells Line of Road and Grose Vale Road can be downloaded here.  A separate Community Consultation Report has been published for the proposed improvements at March Street and Bosworth Street intersection – also part of Stage 2. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

NRDCAA August 2016 meeting

Greetings !! It’s that time again !! Monday 15th August , 7:15pm at North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond your community group will meet again.

There has been lots happening so come along and be informed.

Don’t forget HCC elections are coming on September 10th included in that is a referendum on splitting the council electorate into 3 wards- come along Monday night and be informed about why it is NOT a good idea for the Hawkesbury.

Tea, coffee, biscuits and of course good company assured. And don’t forget the raffle!!

Invite and encourage your neighbours ,family and friends to attend. Together we can make a difference, so don’t just sit at home and whinge get involved.

I look forward to seeing you.

Colleen Turnbull

Secretary NRDCAA

Monday, August 8, 2016

Report from Council Meeting July 2016

The July 2016 report covers main issues as determined by the CoM that could affect residents and ratepayers, or could be a matter of public interest.  Download the report from here.

This report should not be relied upon by residents and ratepayers. The Reports, motions and resolutions are mostly truncated.

Council Business Papers and Minutes of each meeting are available on the Council website. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Reports from Council meetings for May and June 2016

There were two meetings of Council since the May Report, 31st of May, 2016 and 14th of June (Extra-Ordinary).

The report covers main issues as determined by the CoM that could affect residents and ratepayers, or could be a matter of public interest.  Download the report from here

This report should not be relied upon by residents and ratepayers. The Reports, motions and resolutions are mostly truncated.

Council Business Papers and Minutes of each meeting are available on the Council website. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

NRDCAA June 2016 meeting

NRDCAA Meeting
Monday 20 June, 2016 at 7.15pm
North Richmond Community Centre
William Street, North Richmond

All welcome

Don't forget our Community Election for the seat of Macquarie on Wednesday 22 June, 2016 at 7pm also at North Richmond Community Centre.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Council Report to NRDCAA Meeting 16th May 2016

Please find the Council report for February, 2016 meeting, download here

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Reports from Council meetings for February and March 2016

There were four meetings of Council since the February Report, February 18th and 23rd, 8th and 21st of March 2016.

The report covers main issues as determine by the CoM that could affect residents and ratepayers, or is a matter of public interest.  Download the report from here

This report should not be relied upon by residents and ratepayers. The Reports, motions and some resolutions are truncated.

Council Business Papers and Minutes of each meeting are available on the Council website.

Friday, March 18, 2016

NRDCAA Meeting 21 March, 2016 Cancelled

Fellow members and residents the March meeting of the NRDCAA was due to be held on Monday 21st 2016 but due to unforeseen circumstances it is cancelled . The next meeting of the association will be held on Monday 18th April 2016.
Please keep that date open there will be reports on the JRPP decision on the extension to the Redbank sub division, reports on HCC meetings .

Colleen Turnbull

Secretary NRDCAA

Friday, March 11, 2016

The determination and Statement of Reasons with regards DA0467/15 (HCC) can be downloaded from here.
Dr Renata Bali (from EDO) report was noted and questions raised. The question over the number of trees to be removed seem to be a stumbling block.
This DA will go before the JRPP again in three weeks.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Regional Panel Meeting - Sydney West Joint Regional Planning Panel

The Sydney West Joint Regional Planning Panel (regional panel) will meet to consider the following development application that has been referred to the regional panel for determination:

2015SYW147 - Hawkesbury City Council, DA0467/15
Redbank at North Richmond (Belmont Precinct) Torrens title subdivision to create 59 residential lots, two open space lots and one residue lot, 96 and 322 Grose Vale Road, North Richmond.

The determination meeting will be held:
Thursday 3 March 2016
Hawkesbury City Council, 366 George Street, Windsor

Meeting Agenda and Council Assessment Report:
Business papers for the application will be available at www.jrpp.nsw.gov.au on or before Thursday 25 February, 2016 under the 'Development and Planning Register Section'

Register to speak:
To register to speak at the meeting, please contact the Regional Panels Secretarial before 4pm on Tuesday 1 March, 2016 on 02 9228 2060 or email suzie.jattan@planning.gov.au.

Guidelines for speakers:
As the regional panel will have read all the submissions and documentation before the panel meeting, you should focus your oral submission on the assessment report and its recommendation rather than re-stating the information in your written submission.

Review of Ecological Assessment Belmont Precinct, Redbank, North Richmond

The NRDCAA contacted the EDO for assistance with the development application DA0467/15, we were concern at the number of trees to be removed. This independent report was complied by Dr Renata Bali. We draw your attention to page 11, Table 9 Key Resources and Section 3.11 Limitations.  Download the report here

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Council report for February, 2016 meeting

Please find the Council report for February, 2016 meeting, download here.