Fellow Members and Friends of the Hawkesbury, there has been a Rescission Motion lodged by non-Liberal Councillors- it is an attempt to have the ridiculous decision of the last HCC meeting overturned regarding the development at North Richmond. Please attend and show your support for the Councillors who are supporting the community. Council Chambers ,George Street, Windsor, Tuesday 26th November 2013.The meeting usually starts at 6:30pm and entry is usually available from about 6:15pm but if the developers stack the meeting again and prevent residents and ratepayers from attending it may be difficult to gain entry so it may be best to arrive as early as you can.
You may have read letters in the Gazette from the developer and those who will profit at your expense insulting the community and making false statements about members of the community. I think it says much about the people who are prepared to lie and denigrate honest people who are merely trying to have the people who are being paid to represent them do what they are paid to do.
Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to come along. We have had little notice of this so have not been able publicise it widely, so it is up to you.