Monday 18th March 2013
North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond
commencing at 7:15pm
There will be a report on the activities of your association and all positions on the Committee of Management will be declared vacant and open for nomination from the members. Please consider your willingness and availability to join the committee, the work load and commitment from your committee has been incredible and as there is more and more pressure from developers this will only increase. The old saying ”Many hands make light work” is true in this case too!!
Please download a Membership Renewal Form and return it via mail or bring it to the Annual General Meeting. If you cannot attend please complete a Proxy Form You will notice that the fee has been increased by the Committee of Management to $15 and Concession $10. If this increase causes hardship then please contact me by any means, telephone if you prefer 4572-1160 so that arrangements can be made, your support is valued and appreciated. If you prefer to pay by Electronic Transfer please ensure that you give your name so that the money can be correctly credited. The bank details are – Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000 Acct: 142-719-749.
Even though we are financial our limited funds restrict what we can do publicly, as an example, the advertisement in the “Gazette” before the last Hawkesbury City Council elections cost $627, that was all that we could afford to do, as a result with limited success, it was a cost we thought necessary to try and have community representation on Council not Party Political bias.
I look forward to seeing you there. Please encourage your family, friends and neighbours to become involved in their community, it is only by community involvement that we have a chance of having the community that we want and not just having to accept what is forced upon us.
Colleen Turnbull
Secretary NRDCAA