Sunday, January 1, 2012

Questions for Kim Ford, Mayor, Hawkesbury City Council at meeting on 16/1/12

1) Are you aware or would you enquire with appropriate persons if there could be suitable land available in the future for potential residential development at the UWS Richmond?

2) Community Engagement Policy: We note the “Objectives, Background and Principles” of this policy and we ask you to ensure that due to the concern that the community is expressing with regards to the continuing development and impending Planning Proposals without adequate infrastructure, that public meetings in appropriate locations be organized by HCC in consultation with community groups as part of community engagement prior to HCC considering any Planning Proposal that would affect the community?

3) The Member for Londonderry at a HCC meeting in his capacity as a HCC councillor said words to the effect ”If you think you are going to receive money for infrastructure out here you’re dreaming”.
In view of those comments or similar would HCC erect signs on Kurrajong Road urging the State Government to upgrade the already grossly inadequate road system? The NRDCAA would consider “in kind” contributions.

4) Councillors are required to “represent the interests of the Community and provide leadership” Code of Conduct p2 first paragraph after the dot points.
In view of that requirement to REPRESENT the Community will you now join with us in representing the Community’s interest to HCC, State Government ,Federal Government and Developers?

5) You have received an email from Mrs Margaret Mason with regards to Chapel Street and Kurrajong Road dated January 6, 2012. An answer has been provided by a HCC officer on 6th January 2012. The answer refers to the Roads and Maritime Services  responsibility and indicates that they have been asked to supply the answer subsequent to their study of Kurrajong Road.

6) In view of this response will you correspond with the and request an update on the study that is currently being conducted (the CoM) thought that the study was complete, could you check please?) Will you ensure the update provides an approximate timetable for when the report will be available? In addition will you refer this issue to the council’s Traffic Committee for follow-up of timetabling, finance and any work that will be undertaken? Will you also ensure the Community Groups and the Community is kept up to date?

7) Hawkesbury Residential Land Strategy (HRLS): Will you provide the meeting with the sections ,page numbers and paragraph numbers HCC officers will consider when considering the rezoning of land west of the river?

8) As you are aware petitioners are continuing to petition you and Ministers Gay and Hazzard not to “Rezone land west of the river”. We understand that HCC officers are reviewing planning proposals on an ongoing basis.  The community is overwhelmingly opposed to the rezoning of land west of the river, would you ensure that the NRDCAA and other Community Groups are kept in the loop simultaneously with regards to these reviews by HCC officers and when a Planning Proposal is lodged it is brought to the groups’ and the community’s attention immediately or as soon as practicable?

9) The NRDCAA is aware of the question from Jane Uff on 28th November 2011. To date no reply has been received. The final paragraph of her email said, “Council needs to put pressure on the State Government to come to the party to fund realistic infrastructure upgrades to the area. What about running a campaign similar to the upgrade of Richmond Road? I would appreciate your comments in relation to running this type of campaign.”

10) In light of the possible large development at 108 Grose Vale Road and the huge increase in “run-off” what has HCC done to rectify the inadequate and possibly dangerous drainage system as reported by HCC officer Alan Hastie on 18th July 2001 and again on 24th January 2003?

11) Are you proud of HCC planning of the current North Richmond Centre?

12) Does HCC have any “long term vision for the transformation of North Richmond centre” to something of which we can be proud especially in light of the proposed huge increase in population and traffic density?

13) Will you instruct HCC staff to prepare such a plan?

Hawkesbury City Council Meeting to discuss development -31 Jan 2012

At the next Hawkesbury City Council Meeting, Tuesday 31/1/12 at 6.30pm, at Hawkesbury City Council Chambers, the North Richmond Joint Venture (development in North Richmond) is being discussed.

The business papers for the meeting can be downloaded from Hawkesbury City Council’s website,, attachment 3 to item 4.

The meeting is open to all so come along and hear the discussion from our Councillors.  If we are to influence Councillors we need lots of people present at the Council Meeting on Tuesday evening.

Bart Bassett does another back flip!

At the last community meeting where Kim Ford, Mayor of Hawkesbury City Council addressed the meeting Bart Bassett arranged with the Chairperson, after the meeting, to attend the next meeting on Monday 20/2/12.  Bart has sent NRDCAA and advised he will no longer be communicating with NRDCAA.

The letter NRDCAA received from Bart Bassett which lists the reasons can be read here

Independant Chairperson offerred to Bart Bassett

NRDCAA has written to Bart Bassett and offered him the opportunity to address the 19th March, 2012 community meeting with an independent Chairperson, Kevin Rozzoli, at 7.15pm at North Richmond Community Centre.

Will Bart accept this offer and meet with his stakeholders, the community?

The letter that was sent to Bart Bassett can be read here.

Mayor accepts invitation to community meeting on 16/1/12

Kim Ford, Mayor of Hawkesbury City Council, has accepted NRDCAA’s invitation to attend the next community meeting which is being held on Monday 16/1/12 at 7pm at North Richmond Community Centre, William Street, North Richmond.

This is your opportunity to question the Mayor on councils plan to ease the already inadequate infrastructure for the existing population for North Richmond and surrounding areas.  The traffic congestion is a major problem which impacts on all residents west of the river as well as residents and businesses in Richmond. 

As a matter of courtesy to the Mayor we would like to forward him questions prior to the meeting.  Send your questions to Michael Want at by Thursday 12/1/12.

Please come along to this important meeting and impress on the Mayor that the community really wants action on this matter NOW!