Friday, August 28, 2009

Special Extra Ordinary Council Meeting - 15/9/09

The NRDCAA have been advised that Hawkesbury City Council have proposed to hold a Special Extra Ordinary meeting to consider the report on the current DA for the North Richmond D/A0852/08 – Seniors Housing Proposal Aged Care Facility on Tuesday evening, 15th September 2009 commencing at 7pm at the Council Chambers in Windsor.

We would appreciate as many people as possible turn up to pack the chamber for this very important Council meeting. Please arrive around 6.30 pm to ensure our precents are noted by all Councillors.

This meeting will be the culmination of over 8 months of work from the community and our chance to have a voice on the inadequate infrastructure , inappropriate development and the future of the villages west of the North Richmond Bridge.

Come and protect the character and the rural amenity of this wonderful part of the Hawkesbury.

This meeting will be advertised in the Gazette and the Courier 3rd & 10th Sept advising of the meeting details. Please tell a friend. Look forward to seeing you on the night.

Dave Perry, Chairman
4571 2309

Larna Ezzy, Vice Chairman
4572 1126

Steve Hennessy, Vice Chairman
4571 2584

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Heritage Council to be fully consulted

On 11 August, 2009, NRDCAA received a letter from the Department of Planning, Heritage Branch informing us that the Minister decided that an IHO was not warranted in this instance, believing substantially the same result could be achieved by ensuring that the Heritage Council is fully consulted and has a role in any development or rezoning application that may be initiated while the heritage significance of the site is investigated further.

To read a copy of the letter click here

The Heritage Council met on 3 June, 2009 to discuss the Interim Heritage Order. You can view the minutes here, item 4.1.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Barry O'Farrell to visit site

Larna Ezzy and Dave Perry met with Barry O'Farrell, State Opposition Leader and Brad Haszzard, Shadow Planning Minister who have promised to visit the site. Read more...

Monday, August 10, 2009

17th August, 2009 Meeting

Monday 17th August 7.00p.m.

North Richmond Community Centre

33, William St.
North Richmond.

Welcome to all members and an invitation to any new members to come along to the August meeting of the NRDCAA and keep up to date with what is happening in our local area.

Agenda items are as follows:

Reports relating to the current state of the proposed Buildev Development.
Heritage Update.
State Planning Response to North Richmond Town Centre vs. Village classification.
RTA Response
Meeting with Barry.O’Farrell & Brad Hazard re development.
Windsor Bridge RTA information Day.
Media update.
Other items.

This meeting we will be holding a raffle to raise funds so please make sure you purchase a ticket.
Don’t forget to make sure you stay and have a Cuppa and a chat.
We look forward to seeing you on the night.


Dave Perry Chairman 0421 985162
Larna Ezzy Vice Chairman 0417 468653
Steve Hennessy Vice Chairman 45712584
And the Team.